Training Part 2
5-star / Pentagram – Pentagon

Friedel Kloke-Eibl and Saskia Kloke
TrainingPart 1
5-star /Pentagram – Pentagon
We have to realise that the form and symbolism of the Pentagon was conceived through precise observation of the planet Venus. The ‚Pentagram’ is in fact one of the oldest signs handed down to us as part of a sacred tradition. Five represents the connection between spirit, or heaven (number three) and earth as matter (number two) in an ideal way, it also denotes the dominion of Spirit over matter.
If we stand in worship of the powers of the sky, particularly of the night sky, and if we open ourselves and receive these powers, we would stand with our arms and legs outspread and would form a 5-pointed star.
26. – 29. September
Dalgan Park Dublin Road, Navan Co. Meath C15 AY2Y Ireland
Carmel Lowther
11 Drynam Court, Swords Co Dublin
Ort: Dalgan Park Dublin Road, Navan Co. Meath C15 AY2Y Ireland